According to the data announced by National Bureau of Statistics of China, GDP of the 1st quarter of 2021 of China grew by 18.3% compared with that of the same period of 2020. GDP of the 2nd quarter of 2021 of China grew by 7.9% compared with that of the same period of 2020. GDP of the first half of 2021 of China grew by 12.7% compared with that of the same period of 2020 of China. However, this bigger jump was accomplished on the basis of the lower economic level of pandemic control period of 2020 in China. If we look at average number for the growth over the past 2 years for the 2nd quarter period of time of each, we would find that it was 5.5% each averagely for last 2 years for China. In other words, the negative effect on national economy of China by pandemic has been overcome. New jobs are continuing to be created in a comparatively strong pace.
Currently, the Covid-19 virus variant makes global pandemic containment still vulnerable because of lower vaccination rates in many countries. Each government is trying its best to persuade its hesitated citizens to get vaccinated as many as possible. Hopefully, the pandemic would be completely contained in next 6 to 12 months.